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Get Rid Of Tinnitus: 10 Simple Ways and Methods


If you have been flying frequently or operating in high altitude areas, you are most likely to get a perpetually buzzing or ringing sensation in your ears. This is not only irritating but often agonizing and according to ENT surgeons, is called chronic tinnitus. The condition is most commonly found in middle aged or old people and generally happens due to air pressure fluctuations in the atmosphere. However, chronic tinnitus can be prevented or taken care of through the following methods and precautions:


  • Maintaining clean ears is step one in the tinnitus banishment process. As wax accumulates inside the aural Eustachian tubes, the condition worsens. So periodically have your ears cleaned out if wax problems occur.
  • Use headphones to overcome the ringing when you listen to music. The pads that earphones have create a counter pressure on the area around the ear and reduce inter-aural pressure to provide relief.
  • Don’t expose yourself to loud noises unnecessarily as the buzzing/ringing tends to increase with external noise. This is also a regular advice that ENT surgeons give. The combination of external noise and internal ringing is deadly and agonizes the patient like anything.
  • Use ear plugs as and when required, especially while flying. Ear plugs provide temporary relief in conditions involving air pressure change, common to aircraft.
  • Alter your diet habits to exclude fatty foods, alcohol, high-salt and sugar foods. Also include wild oats which have proved to provide relief. Both alcohol and coffee toxically stimulate the central nervous system and excessive consumption only aggravates tinnitus. This was proved recently in a study which revealed that non-alcoholics and caffeine users were less prone to tinnitus.
  • Applying Gingko Biloba herbal lotion or ointment directly to the ears also provides relief. Try and take appropriate amounts of Vitamin A and Choline as also medicines made from the Feverfew herb, which is known to provide relief.
  • Your diet must also contain fair amounts of vegetables and fruits. The presence of anti-oxidants and minerals in these help improve nerve and neurotransmitter functions by increasing the brain’s blood circulation and this, in turn, reduces the buzz. Spinach, sunflower and pumpkin seed extracts also work in reducing tinnitus. The intake of Omega 3 fatty acid rich-fish as also chamomile tea has also shown improvements in anti-tinnitus treatment.
  • Rosemary or lemon oil in vaporized form helps lubricate the inner ear and reduce tinnitus.
  • Avoid certain dairy foods that are rich in fat such as cream, cheese or fatty milk that are also known to aggravate tinnitus.
  • In certain incidents of mild tinnitus brought about by constant flying at high altitudes, homeopathy has worked effectively.


By no means is chronic tinnitus life threatening. But it sure can be an irritant to patients suffering from it and in some cases leads to permanent hearing disabilities later on. The initial step to take is to consult and ear, nose and throat specialist who will advise you to take necessary steps and precautions in terms of your dietary and lifestyle habits. This will either reduce it considerably or cure it completely.

